Occlusion Demystified


Occlusion Demystified

Course Overview:

No single aspect of dentistry today is more important than understanding occlusal relationships of the oral cavity. This hands-on course for clinicians and technicians focuses on the proper methods to address occlusal issues in patients, especially those who are asymptomatic. Too often in dental school, students are provided a simplified cookbook approach and a list of rules that ultimately have little meaning and few practical applications. Participation in this course will guide the clinician and technician through scientifically sound applications of essential occlusal principles, which will enable them to predict successful reconstructions. Esthetic treatments will also be a major focus, as it is well understood that shade and contour communication between the lab and dentist are critical to the success of any occlusal case.

Course Objectives:

Attendees will learn

  • The science behind tooth contacts and muscle harmony.
  • The 5 steps to functional success with every patient.
  • Hands-on clinical record-taking, recording bites and facebows for case planning
  • How to accurately diagnose wear, severe wear, and post-treatment triggers.
  • The three most critical factors in your new patient exam.
  • Deprogramming methods: when to use and why.
  • How to avoid “red flags” that will compromise the outcome of a case.
  • How to establish occlusal vertical dimension; when to make changes and why.
  • Hands-on critical case finishing that will prevent post-treatment challenges.
  • Successful treatment planning and model evaluation.
  • Evaluation and deliberate occlusal equilibration—stop “chasing dots.”
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  • CE Hours: 20
  • Duration: 3 Day Session
  • Tuition: $1,995
  • Faculty: David Hornbrook, DDS, FAACD, FASDA;
    Mark Montgomery, DDS


  • October 2-4, 2020 - Phoenix, AZ